Alerts – More on Information We May Collect

pageQlip is designed with privacy protection in mind and to interact with our Content in a personal and contextual way you must activate certain information enabling features such as location awareness or in some cases time alerts in order to use those features.  The information and data we collect is to provide and improve the service you have requested and not to identify you.

To use features of the Services, pageQlip users accept the responsibility to manage the privacy settings through their account settings or mobile device operating system.  You must enable these features as part of your mobile operating system, such as enabling or disabling location services or allowing notifications and to manage your alerts.  When using alerts pageQlip does not accept liability or responsibility for the accuracy of information that may be provided or input by you, for example the accuracy of the online map you may be using or address you have entered.

In order to provide features, services, alerts, and contextual information pageQlip may engage the service of third party providers, networks, databases, websites, etc.  The third party providers do not have any right to use Personal Information we share with them beyond what is necessary to assist in providing the Service features you have requested.  These service providers will extend the same care towards your privacy as we do.

pageQlip monitors your interaction with the alerts functionality to the extent that we are required for the technical requirements of providing the service (transmission, synchronization, functionality, alerts management). You may manage your alerts on a qlip-by-qlip basis or via the alerts management page in your mobile device.

Please remember that your operating system may require cellular data to be active to successfully and properly determine
your location, or the location of interest you have requested.  You are responsible for enabling the appropriate level of
connectivity and for any costs or charges incurred when enabling your location services or downloading your data.


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